Exporing beauty and responsibility

Seeing God through the gossamer

Published October 23, 2020 in Creation Care - 0 Comments
Kid through the dawn haze by Dale Youngman

As the sun rose and the mountains were revealed the goats came down. This kid had us smiling.
Seeing God's hand in all, including this snowy October morning on Windy Point, is such a blessing. 

-  Photo by Dale Youngman

Our friend Meghan recently spoke of how the haze of forest fires blocks the sun, and hides its glory. Similarly, God’s glory is hidden by the haze of our sin. Our task is to join nature in showing Him.  

Meghan’s comments took me back to Romans 1:20: 

'For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature — have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.'


Many of us have sensed transcendent wonder in a night full of stars, the structure of a dragonfly’s wings, or geese flying overhead. But what if we smudge Creation with polluted air? What if we damage it with dirty water? How can people see God in Creation when His dragonflies and birds are no more to be seen? 

Creation is one of God’s best evangelical tools. For millennia, people have seen God through what He has made. Let’s ensure our actions don't fog the message and enable all to see God. 

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